A glowing lemon and lime colour. The bouquet is very backward at first, less demonstrative than Preuses. A greater richness of texture than Côte Bouguerots to add to the chiselled white fruit intensity and them a gorgeous, concentrated succulent aftertaste without sucrosity. Good acidity at the back. Drink from 2030-2040. Tasted Jun 2024. Jasper Morris 94-96
A more restrained nose grudgingly exhibits pronounced mineral reduction nuances that add breadth to the markedly floral nose of seashore, iodine and oyster shell scents. I very much like the mouthfeel of the powerful and concentrated larger-scaled flavors that are akin to rolling a small pebble around the mouth while displaying excellent length on the very dry, long, youthfully austere and balanced finish that is supported by overtly citrus-tinged acidity. Patience strongly recommended. Burghound 92-94
2023 William Fevre Chablis Grand Cru Les Clos
Burghound: 92-94
Jasper Morris: 94-96
Product Details:
Appellation: Chablis Grand Cru
Region: Burgundy
Country: France
Varietal: Chardonnay
Vineyard: Les Clos
Size: STANDARD - 750ml
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