Last Call Grower Club Membership
We are announcing LAST CALL on membership to our Grower Champagne Club .
The opportunity to join will be closed when we reach 36 members, which means we have FOUR (4) membership spots left.
Our original 36 charter members will be part of our Charter Chapter. While we may open additional chapters, that has yet to be determined.
For now, we’d encourage you to join the Charter Chapter while there’s an opportunity and at our promotional pricing — so low, we might be losing money! Our intent is not to make money on the club, but to allow you the opportunity to taste the cuvées of these small growers. If along the way, you discover a new favorite, then we’ve done our job!
PROMOTIONAL PRICING ENDS WITH MAY’S SHIPMENT: $75/month for two bottles shipped in April and May.
>>>>>>  April is shipping NOW!  <<<<<<