Clos Alivu Patrimonio 2023
I’d like to introduce you to the 2023 Clos Alivu Patrimonio, a rose wine with which you are going to fall in love.
If it’s new to you, you’re not alone. This is a new wine for me too and everything in my traditional, rosé-comes-from-Provence ways was prepared to say NO! I first tasted it as an unfinished tank sample while shivering my way through a dismal February day and I’ll admit, I was quite impressed!
This week, I tasted it in-bottle and I couldn’t believe how good it is! I’m now trying to get my hands on a full pallet, but at least I was smart enough to get 20 cases while not at all in the mood for rosé.
Think ahead my friends! The shipping season is going to be closed before we know it. Here in Ojai, the sun has been threatening to come out. A few days we’ve been out on our back porch gardening, sunning and enjoying rosé. Nothing hits the spot better!
The color alone makes you want a glass. In the world of rosé shades, it ranks up there near perfection hue. It’s simply beautiful to add to a summer table setting. It’s made from 100% Nielluccio (Sangiovese) that are 50 years in age. But hold your horses, because, it's nothing like what you’d expect from Sangiovese. It’s light, airy and absolutely delicious! Trust me, this will put a smile on your face and anyone with whom you grace your presence while opening these bottles!!