2022 Borgeot Bourgogne Chardonnay

Last summer, you may recall seeing this offer for a monopole Bourgogne from Borgeot. We offered it at an odd time, a Saturday afternoon, but surprisingly it flew so fast, it made my head spin. When the importer called me in November and asked if I wanted any more, “F&$K yeah, send it” was the only correct response.
When it arrived in December, I was so buried in the joys of data migration to our new website that I completely forgot about it. Taking a look at the inventory report recently, I was asking, “why do we still have this wine?” Well, you get the picture…I NEVER OFFERED IT!
Obviously, I needed to open a bottle to remind myself why I bought it and all I had to do was put my nose in the glass, “this is exactly why!” popped into my thought cloud. It’s a citrus leaning, wet stone type of Bourgogne, the kind of white wine for which I’m always on the lookout. I took a sip and reexamined the label, just to make sure it wasn’t some 1er cru I’d accidentally opened.
Serving this one blind, I could make many Bennjamins betting you’d NEVER guess this was a mere Bourgogne. It has all the richness, depth and minerality one would expect from a $50 white Burgundy. I’m not joking when I tell you I checked the label twice and then actually pulled out the invoice to verify the price.
I’m absolutely floored that we can sell this for $25 and that I’ve failed to share it sooner. I’d say 🚚 back up the truck 🚚 but we only have 10cs. This comes with a Money Back Guarantee because even at $35, there is not a better white burgundy out there. Do yourself a favor, buy more than you think you need. You WILL thank me later!