A note about shipping
We’re weeks away from firing the start-gun on wine-shipping season. The madness of the first month after the summer break is an adrenaline junkie's dream and a FedEx driver’s nightmare. The good news is that with over 25 years experience shipping wine we’ve learned how to smooth the process, but we can only do it with your help now, before the madness begins .
It would truly help us if you could log into your account and update / confirm the following:

We are starting to get some calls from some of you on the East Coast requesting shipping. While the temperatures in your area may have cooled off, there are still some hot spots across the country and temperatures could go back up overnight…anywhere. Once packages leave our warehouse, we have no control with ground shipping.
Packages leaving Los Angeles headed east may travel a southern route across the country. That means we have to be mindful of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and the South East as well. Take a look at the national Forecast weather map with the link below - this is what we use in evaluating shipping.
As a rule, when temperatures across the country are in the mid to low 70’s for a period of 5-7 days, that’s when we feel it’ll be safe to ship your wine. Likely, that will be mid October. You’ll note, we intentionally time the arrival of pre-arrival wines we’ve sold throughout the year to arrive in the warehouse about this time. It’s like a well timed ballet!
If you have any questions, please send us an email to info@vinsrare.com and we will be happy to assist you.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in making this shipping season the smoothest ever!